
'The Squirrel Who Couldn't Balance'

'My 6- and 8-year-olds both love this book and so do I. It has taught them that they don’t have to follow the crowd and do the same as everyone else, a very important message in today’s world. They may need to be brave to do things their own way, but they can achieve great things if they just try. We can’t wait for the next book to come out.’ Mother of two - Staffordshire

'The title alone is intriguing...if you can change the life of even one person by doing something like this then you've achieved your objective.' Mike Bennett - Radio 101FM

'The Penguin Who Only Tried Once'

'Another amazing book by Jessica. Once again, a great message to children that it’s our attitude to life’s problems that matters most!
A great lesson. I can’t wait to read the next one…' Louise, Life Coach - Birmingham

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